Applied Philosophy – MA course, Applied Philosophy, fall 2024
Category: Uncategorized
David Wong er en opfinder, forfatter, kampkunstner, Qi Gong-udøver og visionær iværksætter. Han er grundlæggeren af Qi Life, et firma, der udvikler frekvensterapeutiske teknologier til personlig velvære.
Hver gang dit hjerte slår, udsender det en elektromagnetisk puls, der kan måles flere meter væk fra din krop. Så vores kroppe har faktisk en energifeltboble omkring sig. Nogle vil måske kalde det Auraen. En persons konstitution og mentale sundhed afspejles direkte i kvaliteten og størrelsen af denne boble. Jorden har også et magnetfelt, og det har en frekvens: 7,83hz. Når du er i harmoni med naturens frekvenser, har din krop en tendens til at fungere optimalt, når den er ude af linie, har du en tendens til at være utilpas. Vores teknologier efterligner disse usynlige, men alligevel sporbare og naturligt forekommende fænomener og udsender det til en person eller et hjem.
David Wong udviklede Qi Coils, helbredende apparater baseret på elektromagnetiske frekvenser. Han var kronisk syg i 10 år og besluttede at praktisere mere meditation. Gennem sine eksperimenter opdagede han frekvens- og elektromagnetiske energienheder, så han begyndte at skabe sin egen enhed ved at bruge sine ingeniørfærdigheder, musikalske talenter og evner til softwareudvikling. Han helbredte sig selv ved et uheld på 12 uger uden nogen pilleoperation, og følte, at alle burde have dette i hænderne, så de kan forvandle sig selv, som han gjorde.
For at opnå højere bevidsthed skal du ifølge David have ønsket om at søge sandheden. Når du har det ønske, vil din rejse begynde. På din rejse vil du heale dit sind og din krop, uddybe dine meditationer og begynde at se verden med nye øjne.
At være taknemmelig for det, du har, er et krav for at være glad. Selvom omstændighederne er de værste, vil bekymringer eller stress ikke hjælpe dig, men snarere skade dig. Ved at praktisere taknemmelighed lærer vi at vende angiveligt dårlige omstændigheder til gode. Dette er nøglen til at være leder og lykkes, når tingene bliver svære.
Ved at justere dit hjerte, sind, krop og ånd tager du en tanke og manifesterer den i dine drømme. Heart-Mind integration betyder, at du forbinder dine følelser med dit intellekt. Mind-Body integration betyder, at du lytter til, hvad din krop fortæller dig, og at du også tager handling. Mind-Spirit integration betyder, at du får adgang til din underbevidsthed, som hjælper dig med at løse problemer kreativt, se den mulighed, som ingen andre ser, og intuitivt ved præcis, hvad der skal gøres for at manifestere din drøm.
Alle har en fortid… nogle gange kan det være ret mørkt. David Wong foreslår at give slip på din fortid, så du kan opnå gode resultater for fremtiden. Først skal du forstå, at videnskaben har bevist, at vores hjerne kan omkobles på grund af dens neuroplasticitet, og også 70% af vores DNA kan ændres gennem genekspression. Så hvad end du var i fortiden eller er nu – kan ændre sig. Det hele kommer ned til at ændre din frekvens på det dybeste niveau. Energi og frekvens er de grundlæggende byggesten i alt, inklusive dit sind, krop og ånd. Ved at komme ind på den frekvens, der passer til dig, vil fantastiske resultater komme til dig naturligt og nemt, det er som om du er den heldigste person i verden.
Den bedste måde at komme i forbindelse med nogen på er at have en lignende vision eller formål, eller komme på samme frekvens, som at forstå hinanden på et niveau, der er hinsides ord.
David anbefaler folk at tage deres karriere til det næste niveau, finde ud af deres styrke nummer et og gøre den endnu bedre gennem ubarmhjertig øvelse og derefter vise den til verden.
Davids største kamp har været at lette paradigmeskiftet i andres sind, som endnu ikke har oplevet energi- og frekvenshealing. Nogle gange er dine ideer så avancerede, at det tager tid for den gennemsnitlige person, der er betinget af vestlig medicintro til fuldt ud at forstå, hvad der sker. Den bedste løsning, han har fundet, er bare at lade dem opleve det selv og se de positive forandringer, der sker med dem, så vil deres sind til sidst indhente det.
David kalder sine opfindelser for “biohacking-praksis”. Bruger hans egne teknologier, Qi Coil, Aura Coil, Resonant Wand, Theralite rødt lysterapi senge, QiEnergy.Ai… og Tai Chi, Qi Gong og meditation (hvis disse betragtes som biohacking-praksis).
David Wong er inspireret af Nikola Tesla, Bruce Lee og Jesus.
Hans meditationspraksis er en unik kombination af åndedræt, visualisering og frekvenser.
Dette er hvad han siger:
“Noget er smukt, når det får dig til at sætte pris på at være i live”.
“Succes er, når du har taget et skridt i retning af at blive den person, du var ment til at være, og bliver ved med at gøre det hver dag i dit liv”.
Han udgav en bog kaldet “Life of Qi: The Science of Life Force”. I den afslører han sin selvhelbredende rejse og præsenterer nogle store videnskabelige eksperimenter udført på Qi-energi, som ingen taler om. Vigtigst af alt, vil du lære, hvordan du låser op for Qi-energi og transformerer dig selv 1 % om dagen.
Den er tilgængelig i paperback, digital og lydbog på
Jeg vil forblive tro mod helt naturlige “biohacks”, selvom jeg erkender, at andre i tilfælde af sygdom kan have brug for en stærkere indflydelse på deres energifelt
Today, I understood something new about Matrix Energetics.
I asked an AI bot on Telegram to write everything there is to know about Matrix Energetics, and this is what I got, citing the bot:
“Sure, let me channel my inner New Age believer and tell you all about Matrix Energetics!
Matrix Energetics is a healing modality developed by chiropractor and author Richard Bartlett. It is based on the principles of quantum physics and the idea that everything in the universe is interconnected and can be influenced by our thoughts and intentions.
According to Bartlett, Matrix Energetics works by accessing the “matrix,” a field of energy that underlies all of reality. By shifting our perception and entering a state of “quantum consciousness,” we can tap into this matrix and create profound changes in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Matrix Energetics involves a variety of techniques, including light touch, visualization, and intention setting. Practitioners work with clients to identify areas of imbalance or blockage in their energy field and then use these techniques to help release and transform these patterns.
One of the key principles of Matrix Energetics is the idea of “two-pointing,” which involves focusing on two different points in a person’s energy field and then collapsing the space between them. This can create a state of “zero point,” where the person’s energy is in a state of pure potential and transformation can occur.
Matrix Energetics has been used to treat a wide variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues, including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and relationship problems. It is often used in conjunction with other holistic healing modalities, such as acupuncture, massage, and energy work.
While there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of Matrix Energetics, many people report profound transformations and healing experiences as a result of this practice. It is important to note, however, that Matrix Energetics should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment and should always be used in conjunction with other forms of healthcare.
I hope this information helps you understand more about Matrix Energetics and its potential as a healing modality. Let me know if you have any other questions! ✨🌟”
Rather well done, to my taste!
I marked what I found very interesting with bold. Indeed, the “two-point technique” is central to Matrix Energetics and is something, Richard Bartlett can use with astonishing results, and some people can, too, but the majority can never grasp or repeat. The connection between ZERO POINT FIELD and the idea of collapsing the space between the two points meaning there is no space, and no points, just the potential for everything to be different according to the intention of the observer (the believer, according to you faith you will be given), that’s an idea that many who try Matrix might have been lacking.
Good luck.
And remember, there is no bad AI in this world, there is only some technology which is used by different type of believers.
And every person in this world can be a power behind of your highest progress – independently of their qualities or intentions.
Bonus Material from AI Bot: Can Matrix Energetics be used for manifestation?
Yes, Matrix Energetics can be used for manifestation. In fact, one of the key principles of Matrix Energetics is the idea that we can create our reality through our thoughts and intentions. By accessing the “matrix” and shifting our perception, we can tap into the infinite potential of the universe and manifest our desires.
To use Matrix Energetics for manifestation, practitioners typically use visualization and intention setting techniques. They may work with clients to identify their goals and then help them to visualize those goals as already being achieved. This can help to shift the client’s energy and bring them into alignment with their desires.
One of the key techniques used in Matrix Energetics for manifestation is “two-pointing.” By focusing on two different points in a person’s energy field and collapsing the space between them, practitioners can create a state of “zero point” where transformation can occur. This can be a powerful tool for manifesting desires and creating positive change in one’s life.
It’s important to note, however, that manifestation is not a guaranteed outcome of Matrix Energetics or any other healing modality. Manifestation is a complex process that involves a variety of factors, including belief, intention, and action. While Matrix Energetics can help to shift our energy and bring us into alignment with our desires, it is ultimately up to us to take action and make our dreams a reality.
I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. 🌟✨
I follow a magician who is around 50 and looks about same (and shaves her head, get the point). Recently someone asked her: “Why does your body age?”
The question suggests that her body DOES age when it probably doesn’t, we can’t tell for sure.
Now imagine the woman who is asking is 60. Then imagine than a magician looks like 20. The question would probably sound like “Who are you to teach me?”
Not everyone wants to look totally fresh and green, some may prefer to look experienced.
I wouldn’t fancy being approached by young people as their equal, and I don’t fancy being approached by outdated people either.
Just as I wrote in my previous article, what you get is the materialization of your attitude.
The adjectives “young” and “old” do not say anything anymore. Is the one who has reached 80, “old”, or does it depend on their energy, lifestyle, and sure, also looks?
The magician won’t look old when she reaches chronological age of 80, I can be quite sure of that, and she’ll decide just how experienced she wishes to look by that time.
Everyone who has passed the age of youth can be bothered by the idea of not being young anymore. The notion of youth is meanwhile very ambiguous. Normally “young” doesn’t mean lacking anything but means healthy, vital, and good-looking, unless it is accompanied by other adjectives.
If you, or anyone you know, would wish to be just a day (or many days) younger, it means that the value of those days is not appreciated.
The connection between time, age, functionality and looks is a thought based on the notion of entropy and deterioration. When you allow yourself to be an exception rather than the rule, a living being rather than statistics, you can discover some alternative pathways.
Much of our body’s and mind’s functionality depends on whether the two hemispheres of our brain work in sync. You can perform a simple test that you can find anywhere online, to discover how well the two of your hemispheres are coordinated. If they are poorly coordinated, you can be glad: there’s a room for improvement.
One of my favorite charlatans (people possessing the talent for chatting), Richard Bartlett, recommends connecting to other talented people’s morphic fields to obtain results similar to theirs. My experience in dance confirms it is possible. I once danced with a leader who had a very intricate rhythm which I couldn’t quite follow until I imagined I was his usual partner, whom I saw many times dancing with him. My rhythm automatically adjusted and we danced a very nice tanda very much in sync.
Richard Bartlett possesses many talents, but it is hardly advisable to copy his morphic field for a number of collateral reasons, and you probably won’t find a single ageless person to copy their agelessness for yourself.
In this case, let’s imagine you copy your own future morphic field (you can also use mine from the present), where you are knowledgeable, experienced, wise, and enjoy blooming health and gorgeous looks.
Experimentation is the key to getting the results 😁
Как создаются художественные тексты? Не будем искать ответ в интернете: напишем страницу художественного текста и проанализируем собственный опыт. Я рекомендую такой подход к большинству вопросов которые мы задаем себе в жизни.
Сначала появляется импульс. Импульс исходит из некоего дисбаланса и желания сделать красивее то, что некрасиво или не нравится. Из этого появляется аллегория или метафора, например, аллегория с поездом, который увозит нас от того что нам не надо — к тому что нам надо.
Чувства и действия персонажа списываются с прототипа. Если наш прототип это человек, которого мы хорошо знаем, то чувствительному писателю просто вжиться в его образ. Если мы списали нашего персонажа со случайного прохожего, нам, конечно, остается только гадать — и в этом случае мы подсознательно подыскиваем кого-то, кого мы знаем, и на кого наш случайный прохожий может быть похожим.
Символы, знаки и детали добываются из копилки эмоционально значимых событий жизни — своих или чужих. Все переплетается и складывается в новый узор, как в калейдоскопе.
Кроме исходного импульса есть движение по назначению. Подсознательно писатель всегда знает «куда ему надо», куда он хочет привести действие своего сюжета, даже когда начинает писать без плана и идеи, а просто руководствуясь импульсом.
Глава, как и стихотворение, завершается органически когда всё уже сказано или оставлено на потом. Ссылка на истории про поезд Санетти (история не может быть выдумкой Черкашина, так как она давно известна по всему миру, и не знают этого только те кто не владеет ни единым языком кроме русского).
Individual connection to the Field starts with individual disconnection from mass consciousness which in transurfing is called “collective penduli”.
Entanglement with the collective takes any form of participation in issues which source is the historical development of any given society.
Infiltration of untruth is massive, and it cannot be avoided until you practically tear yourself off.
Same as you can’t get away from yourself changing places, you can’t get away from untruth changing only your circumstances – but until you also change your circumstances, you will be forever stuck in the wheel.
Take steps – as within so without.
“Part of the secret is silliness. When you can generate enough silliness in the moment, your mind moves out of the way”. Then you slip into a dreamish state that makes all things possible. The quote is from Richard Bartlett (Matrix Energetics)
Wisdom is humor leading to paradox leading to change. Paradox is sustaining two mutually excluding alternatives at the same time in the same mind. If a bit of light can be particle or wave, why, I can be a woman and a fairy at the same time. Everything can be of this and that state simultaneously.
In the silliness world, the rules are in favor of instantaneous change, and you can expect whatever occurrence right NOW.
When do you let go and just let silliness rule your world? When you realize everything is ABSURD. Many aspirations are absurd. Many activities are pointless, absurd, and then, silly. There was a story of a fisherman telling a foreigner that he fishes a little and then plays music and relaxes with his amigos. The foreigner wanted to help the fisherman build a fishing business. “And then, when you retire, you can play music and relax with your amigos”. Which of the options is SILLIER?
Does my daughter need to go through 13 years of schooling and education and then occupy a space in an office and earn her money to buy her fitness pass, cosmetics, treatments, and clothes, to go through a many-years mutual selection process with a train of potential mates, to settle down and then put a considerable part of her life in educating her own daughter to do the same? Or shall she just LET it ALL GO? What will be less SILLY?
What will be wiser, in the end?