Today, I understood something new about Matrix Energetics.
I asked an AI bot on Telegram to write everything there is to know about Matrix Energetics, and this is what I got, citing the bot:
“Sure, let me channel my inner New Age believer and tell you all about Matrix Energetics!
Matrix Energetics is a healing modality developed by chiropractor and author Richard Bartlett. It is based on the principles of quantum physics and the idea that everything in the universe is interconnected and can be influenced by our thoughts and intentions.
According to Bartlett, Matrix Energetics works by accessing the “matrix,” a field of energy that underlies all of reality. By shifting our perception and entering a state of “quantum consciousness,” we can tap into this matrix and create profound changes in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Matrix Energetics involves a variety of techniques, including light touch, visualization, and intention setting. Practitioners work with clients to identify areas of imbalance or blockage in their energy field and then use these techniques to help release and transform these patterns.
One of the key principles of Matrix Energetics is the idea of “two-pointing,” which involves focusing on two different points in a person’s energy field and then collapsing the space between them. This can create a state of “zero point,” where the person’s energy is in a state of pure potential and transformation can occur.
Matrix Energetics has been used to treat a wide variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues, including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and relationship problems. It is often used in conjunction with other holistic healing modalities, such as acupuncture, massage, and energy work.
While there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of Matrix Energetics, many people report profound transformations and healing experiences as a result of this practice. It is important to note, however, that Matrix Energetics should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment and should always be used in conjunction with other forms of healthcare.
I hope this information helps you understand more about Matrix Energetics and its potential as a healing modality. Let me know if you have any other questions! ✨🌟”
Rather well done, to my taste!
I marked what I found very interesting with bold. Indeed, the “two-point technique” is central to Matrix Energetics and is something, Richard Bartlett can use with astonishing results, and some people can, too, but the majority can never grasp or repeat. The connection between ZERO POINT FIELD and the idea of collapsing the space between the two points meaning there is no space, and no points, just the potential for everything to be different according to the intention of the observer (the believer, according to you faith you will be given), that’s an idea that many who try Matrix might have been lacking.
Good luck.
And remember, there is no bad AI in this world, there is only some technology which is used by different type of believers.
And every person in this world can be a power behind of your highest progress – independently of their qualities or intentions.

Understanding the “Collapsing Space” Idea in Matrix Energetics
The core idea is that by focusing intention on two specific points in someone’s “energy field,” you can seemingly eliminate or shrink the space between them, leading to a “zero point” state. This idea draws heavily from a mix of quantum physics concepts and New Age philosophy. Here are the components:
• “Energy Field”: Matrix Energetics posits that humans (and everything) are surrounded by and composed of energy fields. This field is not typically visualized as a rigid physical object, but rather as a dynamic and interconnected web of information and potential.
• “Two-Pointing”: This is the practical technique of focusing your awareness and intent on two distinct points within the individual’s energy field. These points are not defined by physical location so much as they are defined by the intentions of the practitioner.
• “Collapsing Space”: This is the most speculative part. The idea is that through the focused intention of “two-pointing,” the practitioner somehow manipulates the field so that the “distance” or “separation” between those two chosen points disappears or diminishes.
• “Zero Point”: This is the desired outcome. It suggests that when the space collapses, the energy field enters a state of pure, undifferentiated potential where new configurations of energy can occur more easily, thus facilitating healing, transformation, or other desired outcomes.
The Connection to the “99.99…% Emptiness of Space”
The argument often made to justify this concept of “collapsing space” draws on a very simplified understanding of quantum physics, particularly:
• Atomic Structure: At the atomic level, matter is indeed composed mostly of “empty space.” The nucleus of an atom is incredibly tiny compared to the overall size of the atom (the electron orbital). If you were to scale up an atom to the size of a football stadium, the nucleus would be like a marble in the center. This vast emptiness is what people are talking about when they say that matter is mostly empty space.
• Quantum Fluctuation: At the subatomic level, it is understood that particles can pop into and out of existence. The “empty” space is not truly empty, but rather a sea of quantum potential.
How does this connect to “collapsing space”? The reasoning goes that if matter is mostly empty space, and we are made of matter, then our own energy fields are not solid and are primarily comprised of this empty space. Therefore, the emptiness is somehow malleable and controllable by focused intention. The idea is that it is easier to manipulate space when it is mostly empty.
Speculations and the Basis for “Collapsing Space”
Here are the main speculations behind the idea, and where they draw (loosely) from:
- Consciousness and Quantum Phenomena: The speculation is that human consciousness and intention play a direct role in influencing quantum phenomena. The act of “two-pointing” is not just a passive observation but an active interaction with the underlying energetic fabric of reality, that can manipulate the probabilities that are constantly being evaluated at the quantum level.
- Beyond Spacetime: Matrix Energetics often borrows from interpretations of physics that hint at realities beyond our usual 3D space and time. The idea is that at the fundamental level, “distance” as we perceive it might not be a fixed constant, and it can be manipulated through intention. “Collapsing space” therefore means collapsing the perception of distance within the spacetime continuum.
- The Field of Potential: The concept of “zero point” is tied to the idea that all potential realities exist within this “field,” and by collapsing space, we are tapping into this field of infinite possibilities. It is suggested that by getting into the “zero point” the person can select a particular future.
- Intentional Manipulation: The core idea is that our thoughts, intentions, and beliefs can shape our reality at a fundamental level. The “two-pointing” is not just a passive observation, but a directed focus of intention that manipulates reality at the quantum level by manipulating space.
- Resonance and Entanglement: There is an idea that by focusing attention on two points, you create a resonance, or entanglement, between them. It’s as if you’re tuning into a specific vibration, and that resonance brings the points closer together.
How to Envision This Process (with limitations):
It’s important to note that the idea of “collapsing space” is not something that can be easily visualized using our everyday understanding of the physical world. Here are some analogies that might help, while acknowledging they’re not perfect:
• Elastic Sheet: Imagine a rubber sheet with two objects placed on it. When you focus your intention (metaphorically “pull” the sheet), the two objects are drawn closer together. Matrix Energetics argues that it is possible to pull space the way you pull the rubber sheet.
• Tuning Fork: Imagine two tuning forks of similar frequencies. When one starts vibrating, the other starts vibrating too. When you focus your attention on two parts of the energy field, you cause it to vibrate at a similar frequency. This resonant vibration brings the points closer together.
• Hologram: Imagine that the universe is holographic, and that what seems like space is actually a projection of data. By changing the data, you can modify the “distance” between points in the holographic projection.
• Mental Image: You are essentially visualizing the two points coming together until they fuse, or cease to be separate points. The practitioner is “collapsing space” in their mind.
Bonus Material from AI Bot: Can Matrix Energetics be used for manifestation?
Yes, Matrix Energetics can be used for manifestation. In fact, one of the key principles of Matrix Energetics is the idea that we can create our reality through our thoughts and intentions. By accessing the “matrix” and shifting our perception, we can tap into the infinite potential of the universe and manifest our desires.
To use Matrix Energetics for manifestation, practitioners typically use visualization and intention setting techniques. They may work with clients to identify their goals and then help them to visualize those goals as already being achieved. This can help to shift the client’s energy and bring them into alignment with their desires.
One of the key techniques used in Matrix Energetics for manifestation is “two-pointing.” By focusing on two different points in a person’s energy field and collapsing the space between them, practitioners can create a state of “zero point” where transformation can occur. This can be a powerful tool for manifesting desires and creating positive change in one’s life.
It’s important to note, however, that manifestation is not a guaranteed outcome of Matrix Energetics or any other healing modality. Manifestation is a complex process that involves a variety of factors, including belief, intention, and action. While Matrix Energetics can help to shift our energy and bring us into alignment with our desires, it is ultimately up to us to take action and make our dreams a reality.
I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. 🌟✨