60-minute “Life Skills” classes over several weeks. This course is designed for teenagers aged between 13 and 17 years old moving towards an upper-intermediate level of English.
These classes are very different from most courses offered at school. The classes are highly interactive, practical and discussion based. The facilitator guides the discussion, values your opinion and will want your input throughout the course duration. Besides respecting your peers’ opinion, you are expected to be able to answer the question “What do we need this FOR?” at any given moment of the discussion, to promote useful conversations.
The following topics will be covered:

You will get a digital copy of workbook (you can print it out or purchase a hard copy) filled with activities that require self-reflection. You will probably find the activities fun, but also very useful. It is important to immediately put what you learn into practice. Because of that there are 2-3 exercises to do at home after each session. That may seem like a lot, but these skills are so valuable and useful, that you may find that you actually look forward to the home exercises. You will keep the workbook at the end of this series and it will remain a resource that you can access at any time.
You can sign up for this course via telegram.
Looking forward to meeting you,