David Wong is an inventor, author, martial artist, Qi Gong practitioner and visionary entrepreneur. He is the founder of Qi Life, a company that develops frequency therapeutic technologies for personal wellness.
Every time your heart beats, it emits an electromagnetic pulse that can be measured several feet away from your body. So our bodies actually have an energy field bubble around it. Some may call it the Aura. A person’s constitution and mental health is directly reflected in the quality and size of this bubble. Earth also has a magnetic field, and it has a frequency: 7.83hz. When you are in harmony with nature’s frequencies, your body tends to function optimally, when it is out of alignment, you tend to be unwell. Our technologies emulate these invisible yet detectable and naturally occurring phenomena and broadcast it to a person or a home.
David Wong developed Qi Coils, healing devices based on electromagnetic frequences. He was chronically ill for 10 years and decided to practice more meditation. Through his experimentation, he discovered frequency and electromagnetic energy devices so he started to create his own device using his engineering skills, musical talents and knack for software development. He accidentally healed himself in 12 weeks without any pills surgery, and felt that everyone should have this in their hands so that they can transform themselves as he did.
To achieve higher consciousness, according to David, you must have the desire to seek the truth. Once you have that desire your journey will begin. On your journey, you will heal your mind and body, deepen your meditations and start seeing the world with new eyes.
Being grateful for what you have is a requirement to being happy. Even if circumstances are the worst, worrying or being stressed won’t help you, but rather cause you harm. By practicing gratitude, we learn to reverse allegedly bad circumstances into good ones. This is a key to being a leader and succeeding when things get tough.
By aligning your heart, mind, body and spirit you take a thought and manifest it into your dreams. Heart-Mind integration means you connect your emotions to your intellect. Mind-Body integration means you listen to what your body tells you and also take action. Mind-Spirit integration means you access your subconscious, which helps you solve problems creatively, see that opportunity that no one else sees, and intuitively know exactly what needs to be done to manifest your dream.
Everyone has a past… sometimes, it can be quite dark. David Wong suggests letting go of your past so that you can achieve great results for the future. First you need to understand that science has proven that our brain’s can be rewired due to its neuroplasticity and also 70% of our DNA can be altered through gene expression. So whatever you were in the past or are now – can change. It all comes down to changing your frequency at the deepest level. Energy and frequency are the fundamental building blocks of everything, including your mind, body and spirit. By getting into the frequency that’s right for you, great results will come to you naturally and easily, it’s like you’re the luckiest person in the world.
The best way of connecting with someone is having a similar vision or purpose, or getting on the same frequency, like understanding each other on a level that is beyond words.
David recommends people to take their career to the next level, finding out their number one strength and make it even better through relentless practice, then show it to the world.
David´s biggest struggle has been facilitating the paradigm shift in the minds of others who have not yet experienced energy and frequency healing. Sometimes your ideas are so advanced that it takes time for the average person who’s conditioned to western medicine beliefs to fully comprehend what is happening. The best solution he has found is to just let them experience it for themselves and see the positive changes happening to them, then their mind’s will eventually catch up.
David calls his inventions “biohacking practices”. Using his own technologies, Qi Coil, Aura Coil, Resonant Wand, Theralite red light therapy beds, QiEnergy.Ai… and Tai Chi, Qi Gong and meditation (if those are considered biohacking practices).
David Wong is inspired by Nikola Tesla, Bruce Lee, and Jesus.
His meditation practices are a unique combination of breathwork, visualization and frequencies.
This is what he says:
“Something is beautiful when it makes you appreciate being alive”.
“Success is when you have taken a step towards becoming the person that you were meant to be, and keep doing that everyday of your life”.
He released a book is called “Life of Qi: The Science of Life Force”. In it, he reveals his self-healing journey and presents some major scientific experiments done on Qi energy that nobody is talking about. Most importantly, you will learn how to unlock Qi energy and transform yourself 1% a day. It’s available in paperback, digital and audiobook on www.UseTheQi.com.

I will remain faithful to completely natural “biohacks” although I recognize that in case of illness others may need a stronger influence onto their energy field.