Transurfing in Action: Taoist Whispers on Reality Shifting

When you find out you have to escape to another reality or another lifeline, how do you actually do it?

Transurfing, the mind-bending philosophy created by Vadim Zeland, presents us with a radical idea: reality is a multifaceted space of possibilities, and we, as observers, can choose which lifeline we experience. But knowing you can shift reality is one thing; actually doing it is another. When the currents of your present feel overwhelming, when you yearn for a different trajectory, how do you practically navigate towards a more desirable reality according to Transurfing, with a sprinkle of wisdom from Taoist philosophy?

Transurfing, in essence, suggests that we are constantly vibrating at a certain frequency, attracting events and circumstances that resonate with that frequency. This is akin to the Taoist concept of Wu Wei, often translated as non-doing or effortless action. It\’s not about inaction, but about aligning yourself with the natural flow of the Tao, the underlying principle of the universe. When we resist the flow, we expend energy and create friction, keeping us stuck in unwanted realities.

So, when you feel the need to escape to a more desirable lifeline, here\’s how to put Transurfing into action, guided by the wisdom of Tao:

1. Awareness: Identifying the Pendulums (and the Tao within Them)

Transurfing identifies pendulums as thought forms fueled by the energy of groups of people. They can be positive or negative, but they always seek to control your energy. Recognizing these pendulums is the first step to liberation.

Taoist Perspective: Think of pendulums as the ever-changing winds. You can\’t stop the wind, but you can adjust your sail. Taoism emphasizes observing reality without judgment, recognizing the interconnectedness of everything. Identify the pendulums influencing you, but don\’t get caught in their emotional pull. See them as simply energetic currents, just as you would observe the shifting patterns of the clouds.


• Journaling: Track your emotions and thoughts throughout the day. Identify patterns of negativity or obsession that might indicate you\’re being swayed by a pendulum.
• Observation: Notice how external events and social pressures influence your mood and actions. Are you acting out of genuine desire or out of obligation to a pendulum\’s demands?

2. Decreasing Importance: Detachment and the Flow State

One of the most crucial concepts in Transurfing is decreasing importance. When we become overly attached to a specific outcome, we create excessive potential energy, which actually hinders its manifestation.

Taoist Perspective: This aligns perfectly with the principle of Wu Nien, no mind or emptiness of mind. It\’s about releasing attachments and expectations, allowing the Tao to guide your actions. Just as water flows effortlessly around obstacles, adapting to the terrain, we should strive to remain flexible and detached, accepting what is without clinging to what we think should be.


• Release Expectations: Focus on the process rather than the outcome. Enjoy the journey of pursuing your goals without being consumed by the need for a specific result.
• Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate awareness of your thoughts and emotions without judgment. When you notice yourself becoming overly invested in something, gently redirect your attention to the present moment.

3. Visualizing and Sliding into Your Target Lifeline: The Power of Intention and Alignment

Transurfing encourages us to visualize our desired reality, creating a slide of the ideal outcome. This is not about wishful thinking, but about consciously shaping our intention and aligning our energy with the desired frequency.

Taoist Perspective: This resonates with the concept of living in harmony with the Tao. By clearly defining your intention and visualizing your desired outcome, you are aligning your individual will with the universal flow. It\’s like planting a seed: you nurture it with intention and care, trusting in the natural processes of growth.


• Act As If: Embody the qualities and behaviors of the person you want to become. Start making small changes in your daily life that reflect your desired reality.

4. Trusting the Process and Staying Present: The Tao\’s Subtle Guidance

The journey of Transurfing is not always linear. There will be unexpected challenges and detours along the way. The key is to trust the process, remain present, and adapt to the changing circumstances.

Taoist Perspective: This echoes the Taoist emphasis on acceptance and adaptability. The Tao is constantly in flux, and we must learn to flow with its rhythm. When faced with obstacles, don\’t resist them; instead, seek to understand their nature and find a way to navigate around them.


• Embrace Imperfection: Accept that things will not always go according to plan. Learn to see setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.
• Cultivate Patience: The manifestation of your desired reality may take time. Trust in the process and continue to move forward with intention and perseverance.
• Stay Grounded: Connect with nature, practice meditation, and engage in activities that bring you joy and peace. This will help you stay centered and aligned with the Tao.

Transurfing, when infused with the wisdom of Taoism, becomes a powerful practice for navigating the multifaceted reality we inhabit. By recognizing pendulums, decreasing importance, visualizing our desired outcomes, and trusting the process, we can learn to shift our focus and move towards a more fulfilling and authentic existence. Ultimately, the journey of reality transurfing is a journey of self-discovery, a quest to align ourselves with the natural flow of the Tao, and to create a life that is both meaningful and aligned with our deepest desires. Let go, trust the flow, and allow the universe to guide you to your most vibrant and authentic lifeline.

Embracing a Multivariant Universe: Individual Truth and Spiritual PathsAuto Draft

I can’t help but think that thought, words and messages create those same realities which were “accessed” by Steiner in “Akashic records” and thus held truth for him, because he was impressed by the totality of words. He says himself

“If we let the Pauline Epistles work upon us, we have finally something which, through its extraordinary simplicity and through the deeply penetrating quality of the words and sentences, makes a most significant impression. But this is so only because Paul, through his own initiation, had worked his way up to that simplicity which is not the starting-point of what is true, but the consequence, the goal. If we wish to penetrate into what Paul was able finally to express in wonderful, monumental, simple words concerning the Christ-Being, we must come nearer to an understanding of human nature, for whose further development on Earth the Christ-Impulse came. Let us therefore consider what we already know concerning human nature, as shown through occult sight.” (Steiner, 1912)

In spiritual literature, we can encounter the concept of a “multivariant universe” (Zeland, 1999), which posits that reality is composed of numerous valid perspectives shaped by individual experiences. This framework invites us to move beyond the simplistic ideas of right and wrong, acknowledging that truth can be subjective and relative to one’s worldview. Cognitive science explains how our brains construct our perception of reality. Our experiences are filtered through our senses, interpreted by our cognitive schemes, and influenced by our emotions and past experiences (see: Eagleman, D. (2015). The Brain: The Story of You. Pantheon). This highlights the subjective aspect of perception and suggests that multiple valid interpretations of reality are possible.

If we consider the teachings found in both ACIM and Rudolf Steiner, we can see that these approaches represent distinct variants within this type of multivariant universe, each providing its own path toward understanding and transformation. ACIM presents our physical reality as an illusion that can be escaped by pardoning the guilt one imposes on oneself and others, while Steiner’s Anthroposophy encourages individuals to cultivate spiritual awareness through an integration of self-knowledge with cosmic principles. Neither perspective holds absolute correctness, but their value lies within the specific frameworks they offer for those seeking deeper meaning in their own lives.

Each person’s understanding of themselves influences how they relate to these varied paths. When individuals resonate with a particular spiritual practice or teaching, it often reflects their current beliefs and developmental stage.

It can be risky to neglect one’s chosen variant or force alignment with conflicting beliefs. Attempting to adopt a spiritual path that contradicts one’s current values or unconscious preferences can lead to internal conflict and dissonance. Forcing an integration of incompatible approaches can result in superficiality rather than genuine understanding; it is important to recognize that each variant possesses its uniqueness and integrity within its proper sphere. The danger lies not in exploring diverse teachings but in negating one’s authentic intuitions or beliefs in pursuit of a certain pathway. This is not a trivial point. Impressed by Steiner’s legacy in many practical areas of life and his real scientific knowledge in many fields, added to his obvious spiritual abilities, people who resonate with both types of cognition can try to find truth via Steiner. They will find what their current level of knowledge and intuition suggests, and they will find as much truth as is contained in the sciences they studied and morphic fields they connect to (Bartlett, 2012; Sheldrake 2001)—no more, no less.

Coherence emerges as a vital element for personal well-being within the suggested framework of a multivariant universe. An individual must cultivate a sense of inner harmony—a consistency between belief systems and lived experiences—to thrive spiritually. When considering the writings of Steiner versus ACIM through this lens, we should focus on understanding how each reimagines Christ consciousness differently based on distinct spiritual needs and inclinations. While some may find solace in ACIM’s emphasis on love and forgiveness at the expense of physical reality during times of emotional turmoil, others may resonate more with Steiner’s holistic view that integrates physical existence with spiritual evolution.

Cultivating self-awareness and one’s own path towards self-discovery is the real work within this multivariant universe. It requires thoughtful reflection on one’s inner world—considering which beliefs resonate most profoundly—and discerning pathways that align with one’s yearnings for growth and coherence. This conclusion may seem boring and clichéd; however, it is ultimately the one I arrive at after engaging deeply with ACIM as well as many texts by Steiner and reports about his unbelievably great personality. Both ACIM and Anthroposophy—each rich with original concepts—have contributed to humanity’s spiritual-intellectual library from which seekers can draw to lead more fulfilled lives. I have one last comment: a person raised in Zomia doesn’t need these frameworks for integrating themselves; their collective and individual unconscious is not contaminated by notions like original sin or guilt. When we move even beyond ACIM and Steiner, we can encounter an undisturbed primeval landscape where we can begin anew. That will be the real start of something beautiful.

Parnas vs Wapnick: Mysticism and schizofrenia

Here are two different views on the same subject presented in two articles with the same title, “Mysticism and Schizophrenia.”

The first article1 is produced by the Center of Subjectivity Research (CSR), led by Dan Zahavi of Copenhagen University. Professor Josef Parnas, the article’s main contributor, is co-founder and senior researcher at the CSR, as well as a chief physician at Hvidovre Hospital’s psychiatric department.

The second article is written by Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, who was a close friend and associate of Helen Schucman and William Thetford—the two individuals whose collaboration was the immediate stimulus for the scribing (their term for transmission or channeling) of A Course in Miracles. Kenneth had been involved with A Course in Miracles since 1973, writing, teaching, and integrating its principles with his practice of psychotherapy.

As demonstrated below, the two articles surprisingly convey the same message, although they use different frameworks and case studies that are not similar. The conclusions reached differ only slightly: mainly in the interpretation of the results.

The first article compares mystical experiences, specifically the feeling of complete oneness with the universe (“unio mystica”5), to the experiences of people with schizophrenia. It’s important to understand upfront: the authors aren’t saying that mystics are schizophrenic or vice versa.

They look at how these very different experiences share some surprising similarities in how they affect the mind, even if the content of the experiences is completely different.

They focus on three key areas:

(1) Mental attitudes2. Mystics prepare for their experiences through practices like meditation and withdrawing from everyday life to quiet their minds. People who develop schizophrenia sometimes show similar behaviors, like being withdrawn and isolated. The difference is that these behaviors are intended by the mystic, but come of themselves and are distressing for the person with schizophrenia.

(2) The experience3. Both mystical and schizophrenic experiences can feel like sudden, overwhelming revelations—like a light bulb going off in your head, but on a much deeper level. They both involve a shift away from normal ways of thinking about the world and the self. While schizophrenia involves hallucinations and delusions (false beliefs), these often start from a feeling of something being profoundly wrong or different, similar to the feeling of shifting into a different state of consciousness during a mystical experience. Both are very hard to explain in words (ineffable).

(3) A different reality4: Both mystics and some people with schizophrenia report feeling connected to something beyond ordinary reality. Mystics think it to be spiritual truth; people with schizophrenia report the experience as hallucinations or delusions. The mystical experience is often seen as positive and transformative, meanwhile the schizophrenic experience is usually frightening and upsetting.

The authors also talk about the “minimal self”—the basic sense of being yourself. They argue that schizophrenia may involve a fundamental problem with this core sense of self, explaining many of the strange experiences people with the illness have. This is different from other mental illnesses where the problem is more about how you think about yourself, rather than this core sense of self.

Phenomenological approach is used by the authors to compare these two very different states of mind, experienced by a mystic, on one hand, and a person on the schizophrenic scale, on the other. It finds structural similarities in how consciousness is altered, even though the content and impact are different.

Kenneth Wapnick’s article, “Mysticism and Schizophrenia”, also considers similarities and differences between mystical experiences and schizophrenic episodes. Wapnick acknowledges the tendency in psychiatric research to link these two phenomena: some suggest that mysticism is a form of psychopathology and others present schizophrenia as a valuable, even desirable experience. Wapnick clarifies both the shared aspects and main distinctions between the two types of inner state.

The article begins by referencing William James’ distinction between “higher” and “lower” mysticism, with the latter bordering on insanity, and then presents the typical mystical experience, outlining stages of development often described in mystical literature (using Underhill’s five stages as a framework, adding a sixth stage of reintegration into society). These stages generally include an (1) awakening, (2) purification, (3) illumination, (4) a “dark night of the soul”, (5) a “unitive” life (oneness with the universe), and finally, (6) a return to the world. St. Teresa of Avila’s mystical experiences are used as a detailed case study, illustrating these stages through her metaphorical descriptions of a “castle” within the soul.

Next, the article turns to schizophrenia, adopting a more recent perspective that views psychotic episodes as purposeful attempts at self-correction, rather than simply symptoms of a disease. Wapnick cites the work of Bateson, Laing, and Kaplan, who emphasize the subjective, intensely personal nature of schizophrenic experiences. An excerpt from Lara Jefferson’s first-person account of a schizophrenic episode is analyzed to demonstrate the phenomenological similarities and differences with mystical experiences. Lara’s experience is characterized by a “death” of her former self, a descent into “total madness,” and a subsequent emergence into a sense of peace and reintegration, though with significant lingering effects.

The core of Wapnick’s argument lies in the comparison of these case studies. Both St. Teresa and Lara experienced a dichotomy between inner and outer worlds, a breakdown of social attachments, periods of intense fear and pain, and eventual peace. However, the process in these two cases is not the same. The mystic, through a long, deliberate, and often self-imposed journey, gradually develops the capacity to withstand and integrate the “inner world” with social life. The schizophrenic, in contrast, experiences a sudden, involuntary breakdown, lacking the preparation and support to navigate the overwhelming inner experiences. The absence of this gradual strengthening process leaves the schizophrenic vulnerable and unable to manage the experience without a significant disruption of social functioning.

The article concludes by highlighting that while both mysticism and schizophrenia involve a journey into the “inner world,” the main distinction lies in the preparation, control, and integration of this experience within a social context. The mystic’s journey is a conscious, purposeful process; the schizophrenic’s is often a traumatic and involuntary one. The article emphasizes the importance of balancing inner and outer experiences for healthy functioning, with the mystic representing a successful integration, and the schizophrenic demonstrating the tragic consequences of separation.

Parnas’ article leans towards a more objectively scientific comparison, while Wapnick’s analysis is more interpretive and arguably more influenced by his spiritual background. Parnas ascribes less direct correlation between mystical states and schizophrenia, focusing on shared phenomenological structures rather than developmental trajectories. He seems to be more interested in the similarities of the experiences without necessarily linking them to a progression or path, while Dr. Wapnick may be more focused on the implications of those experiences for spiritual growth, be it mystical or otherwise.

As a proponent of A Course in Miracles (ACIM), Dr. Wapnick’s perspective is likely influenced by his belief system, which could lead him to interpret both mystical and schizophrenic experiences through the lens of spiritual development, potentially downplaying the pathological aspects of schizophrenia. He might also be more inclined to see a positive outcome in both, even if the paths differ drastically.

On the other hand, Prof. Josef Parnas and his colleagues might be biased towards a purely materialistic understanding of consciousness, overlooking potentiality for non-material extrasensory experiences. Their focus on structural analogies might stem from a desire to explain these experiences through purely neurological or psychological mechanisms, potentially neglecting the spiritual or existential dimensions that Wapnick highlights. This bias could lead them to minimize the transformative aspects of mystical experiences.


  1. Josef Parnas and Mads Gram Henriksen, “Mysticism and Schizophrenia: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Structure of Consciousness in the Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders,” Consciousness and Cognition 43, no. 1 (May 1, 2016): 75–88,
  2. Parnas and Henriksen, “Mysticism and Schizophrenia: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Structure of Consciousness in the Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.”, p. 76
  3. Ibid., p. 78
  4. Ibid, p. 81.
  5. Ibid., p.79

According to your faith it will be done to you

Let us take a case of George Muller of Bristol, who died in 1898. Muller’s prayers were of the crassest petitionary order. Early in life he resolved on taking certain Bible promises in literal sincerity, and on letting himself be fed, not by his own worldly foresight, but by the Lord’s hand. He had an extraordinarily active and successful career, among the fruits of which were the distribution of over two million copies of the Scripture text, in different languages; the equipment of several hundred missionaries; the circulation of more than a hundred and eleven million of scriptural books, pamphlets, and tracts; the building of five large orphanages, and the keeping and educating of thousands of orphans; finally, the establishment of schools in which over a hundred and twenty-one thousand youthful and adult pupils were taught. In the course of this work Mr. Muller received and administered nearly a million and a half of pounds sterling, and traveled over two hundred thousand miles of sea and land. During the sixty-eight years of his ministry, he never owned any property except his clothes and furniture, and cash in hand; and he left, at the age of eighty-six, an estate worth only a hundred and sixty pounds. His method was to let his general wants be publicly known, but not to acquaint other people with the details of his temporary necessities. For the relief of the latter, he prayed directly to the Lord, believing that sooner or later prayers are always answered if one have trust enough. “When I lose such a thing as a key,” he writes, “I ask the Lord to direct me to it, and I look for an answer to my prayer; when a person with whom I have made an appointment does not come, according to the fixed time, and I begin to be inconvenienced by it, I ask the Lord to be pleased to hasten him to me, and I look for an answer; when I do not understand a passage of the word of God, I lift up my heart to the Lord that he would be pleased by his Holy Spirit to instruct me, and I expect to be taught, though I do not fix the time when, and the manner how it should be; when I am going to minister in the Word, I seek help from the Lord, and … am not cast down, but of good cheer because I look for his assistance.” Muller’s custom was to never run up bills, not even for a week. “As the Lord deals out to us by the day, … the week’s payment might become due and we have no money to meet it; and thus those with whom we deal might be inconvenienced by us, and we be found acting against the commandment of the Lord: ‘Owe no man anything.’ From this day and henceforward whilst the Lord gives to us our supplies by the day, we purpose to pay at once for every article as it is purchased, and never to buy anything except we can pay for it at once, however much it may seem to be needed, and however much those with whom we deal may wish to be paid only by the week.”

The articles needed of which Muller speaks were the food, fuel, etc., of his orphanages. Somehow, near as they often come to going without a meal, they hardly ever seem actually to have done so. “Greater and more manifest nearness of the Lord’s presence I have never had than when after breakfast there were no means for dinner for more than a hundred persons; or when after dinner there were no means for the tea, and yet the Lord provided the tea; and all this without one single human being having been informed about our need…. Through Grace my mind is so fully assured of the faithfulness of the Lord, that in the midst of the greatest need, I am enabled in peace to go about my other work. Indeed, did not the Lord give me this, which is the result of trusting in him, I should scarcely be able to work at all; for it is now comparatively a rare thing that a day comes when I am not in need for one or another part of the work.” In building his orphanages simply by prayer and faith, Muller affirms that his prime motive was “to have something to point to as a visible proof that our God and Father is the same faithful God that he ever was—as willing as ever to prove himself the living God, in our day as formerly, to all that put their trust in him.” For this reason he refused to borrow money for any of his enterprises. “How does it work when we thus anticipate God by going our own way? We certainly weaken faith instead of increasing it; and each time we work thus a deliverance of our own we find it more and more difficult to trust in God, till at last we give way entirely to our natural fallen reason and unbelief prevails. How different if one is enabled to wait God’s own time, and to look alone to him for help and deliverance! When at last help comes, after many seasons of prayer it may be, how sweet it is, and what a present recompense! Dear Christian reader, if you have never walked in this path of obedience before, do so now, and you will then know experimentally the sweetness of the joy which results from it.” When the supplies came in but slowly, Muller always considered that this was for the trial of his faith and patience. When his faith and patience had been sufficiently tried, the Lord would send more means. “And thus it has proved,”—I quote from his diary—“for today was given me the sum of 2050 pounds, of which 2000 are for the building fund [of a certain house], and 50 for present necessities. It is impossible to describe my joy in God when I received this donation. I was neither excited nor surprised; for I LOOK out for answers to my prayers. I BELIEVE THAT GOD HEARS ME. Yet my heart was so full of joy that I could only SIT before God, and admire him, like David in 2 Samuel vii. At last I cast myself flat down upon my face and burst forth in thanksgiving to God and in surrendering my heart afresh to him for his blessed service.”

George Muller’s is a case extreme in every respect, and in no respect more so than in the extraordinary narrowness of the man’s intellectual horizon. His God was, as he often said, his business partner. He seems to have been for Muller little more than a sort of supernatural clergyman interested in the congregation of tradesmen and others in Bristol who were his saints, and in the orphanages and other enterprises, but unpossessed of any of those vaster and wilder and more ideal attributes with which the human imagination elsewhere has invested him. Muller, in short, was absolutely unphilosophical. His intensely private and practical conception of his relations with the Deity continued the traditions of the most primitive human thought. When we compare a mind like his with such a mind as, for example, Emerson’s or Phillips Brooks’s, we see the range which the religious consciousness covers.

Essential Life Skills Course

60-minute “Life Skills” classes over several weeks. This course is designed for teenagers aged between 13 and 17 years old moving towards an upper-intermediate level of English.

These classes are very different from most courses offered at school. The classes are highly interactive, practical and discussion based. The facilitator guides the discussion, values your opinion and will want your input throughout the course duration. Besides respecting your peers’ opinion, you are expected to be able to answer the question “What do we need this FOR?” at any given moment of the discussion, to promote useful conversations.

The following topics will be covered:

You will get a digital copy of workbook (you can print it out or purchase a hard copy) filled with activities that require self-reflection. You will probably find the activities fun, but also very useful. It is important to immediately put what you learn into practice. Because of that there are 2-3 exercises to do at home after each session. That may seem like a lot, but these skills are so valuable and useful, that you may find that you actually look forward to the home exercises. You will keep the workbook at the end of this series and it will remain a resource that you can access at any time.

You can sign up for this course via telegram.

Looking forward to meeting you,


A dossier on David Wong, his story and his healing devices

David Wong is an inventor, author, martial artist, Qi Gong practitioner and visionary entrepreneur. He is the founder of Qi Life, a company that develops frequency therapeutic technologies for personal wellness.

Every time your heart beats, it emits an electromagnetic pulse that can be measured several feet away from your body. So our bodies actually have an energy field bubble around it. Some may call it the Aura. A person’s constitution and mental health is directly reflected in the quality and size of this bubble. Earth also has a magnetic field, and it has a frequency: 7.83hz. When you are in harmony with nature’s frequencies, your body tends to function optimally, when it is out of alignment, you tend to be unwell. Our technologies emulate these invisible yet detectable and naturally occurring phenomena and broadcast it to a person or a home.

David Wong developed Qi Coils, healing devices based on electromagnetic frequences. He was chronically ill for 10 years and decided to practice more meditation. Through his experimentation, he discovered frequency and electromagnetic energy devices so he started to create his own device using his engineering skills, musical talents and knack for software development. He accidentally healed himself in 12 weeks without any pills surgery, and felt that everyone should have this in their hands so that they can transform themselves as he did.

To achieve higher consciousness, according to David, you must have the desire to seek the truth. Once you have that desire your journey will begin. On your journey, you will heal your mind and body, deepen your meditations and start seeing the world with new eyes.

Being grateful for what you have is a requirement to being happy. Even if circumstances are the worst, worrying or being stressed won’t help you, but rather cause you harm. By practicing gratitude, we learn to reverse allegedly bad circumstances into good ones. This is a key to being a leader and succeeding when things get tough.

By aligning your heart, mind, body and spirit you take a thought and manifest it into your dreams. Heart-Mind integration means you connect your emotions to your intellect. Mind-Body integration means you listen to what your body tells you and also take action. Mind-Spirit integration means you access your subconscious, which helps you solve problems creatively, see that opportunity that no one else sees, and intuitively know exactly what needs to be done to manifest your dream.

Everyone has a past… sometimes, it can be quite dark. David Wong suggests letting go of your past so that you can achieve great results for the future. First you need to understand that science has proven that our brain’s can be rewired due to its neuroplasticity and also 70% of our DNA can be altered through gene expression. So whatever you were in the past or are now – can change. It all comes down to changing your frequency at the deepest level. Energy and frequency are the fundamental building blocks of everything, including your mind, body and spirit. By getting into the frequency that’s right for you, great results will come to you naturally and easily, it’s like you’re the luckiest person in the world.

The best way of connecting with someone is having a similar vision or purpose, or getting on the same frequency, like understanding each other on a level that is beyond words.

David recommends people to take their career to the next level, finding out their number one strength and make it even better through relentless practice, then show it to the world.

David´s biggest struggle has been facilitating the paradigm shift in the minds of others who have not yet experienced energy and frequency healing. Sometimes your ideas are so advanced that it takes time for the average person who’s conditioned to western medicine beliefs to fully comprehend what is happening. The best solution he has found is to just let them experience it for themselves and see the positive changes happening to them, then their mind’s will eventually catch up.

David calls his inventions “biohacking practices”. Using his own technologies, Qi Coil, Aura Coil, Resonant Wand, Theralite red light therapy beds, QiEnergy.Ai… and Tai Chi, Qi Gong and meditation (if those are considered biohacking practices).

David Wong is inspired by Nikola Tesla, Bruce Lee, and Jesus.

His meditation practices are a unique combination of breathwork, visualization and frequencies.

This is what he says:

“Something is beautiful when it makes you appreciate being alive”.

“Success is when you have taken a step towards becoming the person that you were meant to be, and keep doing that everyday of your life”.

He released a book is called “Life of Qi: The Science of Life Force”. In it, he reveals his self-healing journey and presents some major scientific experiments done on Qi energy that nobody is talking about. Most importantly, you will learn how to unlock Qi energy and transform yourself 1% a day. It’s available in paperback, digital and audiobook on

I will remain faithful to completely natural “biohacks” although I recognize that in case of illness others may need a stronger influence onto their energy field.

A poem by Rumi

A curious perspective on Matrix Energetics

Today, I understood something new about Matrix Energetics.

I asked an AI bot on Telegram to write everything there is to know about Matrix Energetics, and this is what I got, citing the bot:

“Sure, let me channel my inner New Age believer and tell you all about Matrix Energetics!

Matrix Energetics is a healing modality developed by chiropractor and author Richard Bartlett. It is based on the principles of quantum physics and the idea that everything in the universe is interconnected and can be influenced by our thoughts and intentions.

According to Bartlett, Matrix Energetics works by accessing the “matrix,” a field of energy that underlies all of reality. By shifting our perception and entering a state of “quantum consciousness,” we can tap into this matrix and create profound changes in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Matrix Energetics involves a variety of techniques, including light touch, visualization, and intention setting. Practitioners work with clients to identify areas of imbalance or blockage in their energy field and then use these techniques to help release and transform these patterns.

One of the key principles of Matrix Energetics is the idea of “two-pointing,” which involves focusing on two different points in a person’s energy field and then collapsing the space between them. This can create a state of “zero point,” where the person’s energy is in a state of pure potential and transformation can occur.

Matrix Energetics has been used to treat a wide variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues, including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and relationship problems. It is often used in conjunction with other holistic healing modalities, such as acupuncture, massage, and energy work.

While there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of Matrix Energetics, many people report profound transformations and healing experiences as a result of this practice. It is important to note, however, that Matrix Energetics should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment and should always be used in conjunction with other forms of healthcare.

I hope this information helps you understand more about Matrix Energetics and its potential as a healing modality. Let me know if you have any other questions! ✨🌟”

Rather well done, to my taste!

I marked what I found very interesting with bold. Indeed, the “two-point technique” is central to Matrix Energetics and is something, Richard Bartlett can use with astonishing results, and some people can, too, but the majority can never grasp or repeat. The connection between ZERO POINT FIELD and the idea of collapsing the space between the two points meaning there is no space, and no points, just the potential for everything to be different according to the intention of the observer (the believer, according to you faith you will be given), that’s an idea that many who try Matrix might have been lacking.

Good luck.

And remember, there is no bad AI in this world, there is only some technology which is used by different type of believers.

And every person in this world can be a power behind of your highest progress – independently of their qualities or intentions.

Understanding the “Collapsing Space” Idea in Matrix Energetics

The core idea is that by focusing intention on two specific points in someone’s “energy field,” you can seemingly eliminate or shrink the space between them, leading to a “zero point” state. This idea draws heavily from a mix of quantum physics concepts and New Age philosophy. Here are the components:

• “Energy Field”: Matrix Energetics posits that humans (and everything) are surrounded by and composed of energy fields. This field is not typically visualized as a rigid physical object, but rather as a dynamic and interconnected web of information and potential.
• “Two-Pointing”: This is the practical technique of focusing your awareness and intent on two distinct points within the individual’s energy field. These points are not defined by physical location so much as they are defined by the intentions of the practitioner.
• “Collapsing Space”: This is the most speculative part. The idea is that through the focused intention of “two-pointing,” the practitioner somehow manipulates the field so that the “distance” or “separation” between those two chosen points disappears or diminishes.
• “Zero Point”: This is the desired outcome. It suggests that when the space collapses, the energy field enters a state of pure, undifferentiated potential where new configurations of energy can occur more easily, thus facilitating healing, transformation, or other desired outcomes.

The Connection to the “99.99…% Emptiness of Space”

The argument often made to justify this concept of “collapsing space” draws on a very simplified understanding of quantum physics, particularly:

• Atomic Structure: At the atomic level, matter is indeed composed mostly of “empty space.” The nucleus of an atom is incredibly tiny compared to the overall size of the atom (the electron orbital). If you were to scale up an atom to the size of a football stadium, the nucleus would be like a marble in the center. This vast emptiness is what people are talking about when they say that matter is mostly empty space.
• Quantum Fluctuation: At the subatomic level, it is understood that particles can pop into and out of existence. The “empty” space is not truly empty, but rather a sea of quantum potential.

How does this connect to “collapsing space”? The reasoning goes that if matter is mostly empty space, and we are made of matter, then our own energy fields are not solid and are primarily comprised of this empty space. Therefore, the emptiness is somehow malleable and controllable by focused intention. The idea is that it is easier to manipulate space when it is mostly empty.

Speculations and the Basis for “Collapsing Space”

Here are the main speculations behind the idea, and where they draw (loosely) from:

  1. Consciousness and Quantum Phenomena: The speculation is that human consciousness and intention play a direct role in influencing quantum phenomena. The act of “two-pointing” is not just a passive observation but an active interaction with the underlying energetic fabric of reality, that can manipulate the probabilities that are constantly being evaluated at the quantum level.
  2. Beyond Spacetime: Matrix Energetics often borrows from interpretations of physics that hint at realities beyond our usual 3D space and time. The idea is that at the fundamental level, “distance” as we perceive it might not be a fixed constant, and it can be manipulated through intention. “Collapsing space” therefore means collapsing the perception of distance within the spacetime continuum.
  3. The Field of Potential: The concept of “zero point” is tied to the idea that all potential realities exist within this “field,” and by collapsing space, we are tapping into this field of infinite possibilities. It is suggested that by getting into the “zero point” the person can select a particular future.
  1. Intentional Manipulation: The core idea is that our thoughts, intentions, and beliefs can shape our reality at a fundamental level. The “two-pointing” is not just a passive observation, but a directed focus of intention that manipulates reality at the quantum level by manipulating space.
  2. Resonance and Entanglement: There is an idea that by focusing attention on two points, you create a resonance, or entanglement, between them. It’s as if you’re tuning into a specific vibration, and that resonance brings the points closer together.

How to Envision This Process (with limitations):

It’s important to note that the idea of “collapsing space” is not something that can be easily visualized using our everyday understanding of the physical world. Here are some analogies that might help, while acknowledging they’re not perfect:

• Elastic Sheet: Imagine a rubber sheet with two objects placed on it. When you focus your intention (metaphorically “pull” the sheet), the two objects are drawn closer together. Matrix Energetics argues that it is possible to pull space the way you pull the rubber sheet.
• Tuning Fork: Imagine two tuning forks of similar frequencies. When one starts vibrating, the other starts vibrating too. When you focus your attention on two parts of the energy field, you cause it to vibrate at a similar frequency. This resonant vibration brings the points closer together.
• Hologram: Imagine that the universe is holographic, and that what seems like space is actually a projection of data. By changing the data, you can modify the “distance” between points in the holographic projection.
• Mental Image: You are essentially visualizing the two points coming together until they fuse, or cease to be separate points. The practitioner is “collapsing space” in their mind.

Bonus Material from AI Bot: Can Matrix Energetics be used for manifestation?

Yes, Matrix Energetics can be used for manifestation. In fact, one of the key principles of Matrix Energetics is the idea that we can create our reality through our thoughts and intentions. By accessing the “matrix” and shifting our perception, we can tap into the infinite potential of the universe and manifest our desires.

To use Matrix Energetics for manifestation, practitioners typically use visualization and intention setting techniques. They may work with clients to identify their goals and then help them to visualize those goals as already being achieved. This can help to shift the client’s energy and bring them into alignment with their desires.

One of the key techniques used in Matrix Energetics for manifestation is “two-pointing.” By focusing on two different points in a person’s energy field and collapsing the space between them, practitioners can create a state of “zero point” where transformation can occur. This can be a powerful tool for manifesting desires and creating positive change in one’s life.

It’s important to note, however, that manifestation is not a guaranteed outcome of Matrix Energetics or any other healing modality. Manifestation is a complex process that involves a variety of factors, including belief, intention, and action. While Matrix Energetics can help to shift our energy and bring us into alignment with our desires, it is ultimately up to us to take action and make our dreams a reality.

I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. 🌟✨

Claim your useful looks, not necessarily youthful looks

I follow a magician who is around 50 and looks about same (and shaves her head, get the point). Recently someone asked her: “Why does your body age?”

The question suggests that her body DOES age when it probably doesn’t, we can’t tell for sure.

Now imagine the woman who is asking is 60. Then imagine than a magician looks like 20. The question would probably sound like “Who are you to teach me?”

Not everyone wants to look totally fresh and green, some may prefer to look experienced.

I wouldn’t fancy being approached by young people as their equal, and I don’t fancy being approached by outdated people either.

Just as I wrote in my previous article, what you get is the materialization of your attitude.

The adjectives “young” and “old” do not say anything anymore. Is the one who has reached 80, “old”, or does it depend on their energy, lifestyle, and sure, also looks?

The magician won’t look old when she reaches chronological age of 80, I can be quite sure of that, and she’ll decide just how experienced she wishes to look by that time.

Painting by Arthur Sarnoff

Forever young is the one who dies prematurely

Everyone who has passed the age of youth can be bothered by the idea of not being young anymore. The notion of youth is meanwhile very ambiguous. Normally “young” doesn’t mean lacking anything but means healthy, vital, and good-looking, unless it is accompanied by other adjectives.

If you, or anyone you know, would wish to be just a day (or many days) younger, it means that the value of those days is not appreciated.

The connection between time, age, functionality and looks is a thought based on the notion of entropy and deterioration. When you allow yourself to be an exception rather than the rule, a living being rather than statistics, you can discover some alternative pathways.

Much of our body’s and mind’s functionality depends on whether the two hemispheres of our brain work in sync. You can perform a simple test that you can find anywhere online, to discover how well the two of your hemispheres are coordinated. If they are poorly coordinated, you can be glad: there’s a room for improvement.

One of my favorite charlatans (people possessing the talent for chatting), Richard Bartlett, recommends connecting to other talented people’s morphic fields to obtain results similar to theirs. My experience in dance confirms it is possible. I once danced with a leader who had a very intricate rhythm which I couldn’t quite follow until I imagined I was his usual partner, whom I saw many times dancing with him. My rhythm automatically adjusted and we danced a very nice tanda very much in sync.

Richard Bartlett possesses many talents, but it is hardly advisable to copy his morphic field for a number of collateral reasons, and you probably won’t find a single ageless person to copy their agelessness for yourself.

In this case, let’s imagine you copy your own future morphic field (you can also use mine from the present), where you are knowledgeable, experienced, wise, and enjoy blooming health and gorgeous looks.

Experimentation is the key to getting the results 😁

The picture of the post author is taken on the spot after finishing the text

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